Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Lying to Children

Read this article on a book that passes itself off as a guide to global warming for children...

When I was in kindergarten, my class took a trip to the health museum where, while getting instructions how to brush our teeth properly, the woman from the museum said, "And be sure to wave goodbye to the water as it goes down the sink boys and girls because no one will ever see that water ever again because the earth's water was disappearing."

I remember asking my father about that later in the evening; it's my earliest memory of the term "liberal nut" being used. He then explained to me how plumbing and water purification works, and how the level of water on the planet stays constant.

I also remember holding up class for a good half an hour while I tried to explain to my teacher why the health-museum-lady was wrong.

Needless to say, this story hit close to home. GET EDUCATED! FIGHT THE CHURCH OF GLOBAL WARMING!


PS: if you want to read a better blog then mine, head over to Chanman's blog, "Buckhorn Road," in my Friends section. I read about this book there.

Long Slow Run

I've got one of those in the morning...Last PT before our test on Friday.

I predict the following for my test:
1. Low 50s for pushups
2. High 60s to Mid 70s for situps
3. Low 12 minute two mile

Let's see if they hold up. It won't be a max, but it's certain to be a better start then last semester.

G'night all.

Climate Change Polls

Recently, a poll was conducted across a number of nations to try and determine what the average world citizen thought about global warming...how to cope? Should we change things? That kind of thing.

The results were fairly interesting.

Apparently the Russians have been left out in the cold about global warming, as only a mere 5% polled had any real knowledge of the debate and concern surrounding global warming. Those that understood it were fairly unconcerned, and some were even glad. The melting permafrost (what a stupid name...how can it be permafrost if it's melting...heh) is opening up land to possibility of agricultural expansion.

The scary number for me was 73...According to this poll, 73% of the people polled (United States, Spain, France, Australia, Brazil, China, Russia, Nigeria, Turkey, and India) believe that developing nations "should limit their emissions in return for financial aid and technological transfer from developed nations."

I'm pretty sure that developing nations aren't going to be able to develop on expensive, inefficient alternative energy sources. The world already supports and nurtures developing nations, so I'm pretty sure the fact that the "in exchange for" stipulation above is meaningless.

To complicate things a tad further, current alternative energy sources don't work well enough or cheaply enough for the dirt-poor third world to live on, let alone thrive on. Solar panels and windwills will not work at their current capability, and I'd be willing to bet that the "curb your emissions now, and in 10 years, we'll get back to you on the solar power thing" argument won't work.

If you think America's a polluting, fossil-fuel-guzzling, hog, did you know that China "builds a coal-fired power station every five days to feed its booming economy..."

Who the hell are we to tell the third world that they can't make better lives for themselves? Yes, it is going to cause more pollution, but at a fraction of what the rest of us already put out there.

Bloody hypocrites...


Monday, September 24, 2007

President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad

So, a number of Conservatives including myself should unfortunately be eating their words today.

The President of Iran spoke at Columbia University to a surprisingly abrasive crowd. The President of the University, who had received a large amount of criticism for inviting the Iranian despot to speak on campus, actually began the talk with a series of brutal human rights questions for Ahmadinejad.

"'Mr. President, you exhibit all the signs of a petty and cruel dictator,' Bollinger said, to loud applause."


Throughout the question and answer session, Ahmadinejad was presented with various queries related to Jewish/Palestinian relations and his claims that the Holocaust did not actually take place. By the end of the session, his demeanor had apparently changed from smiling and happy to stressed and slightly irked.

The most ridiculous claim made during the President's ramblings nearly made me fall out of my chair with laughter.

"He provoked derisive laughter by responding to a question about Iran's execution of homosexuals by saying: 'In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country ... I don't know who's told you that we have this.'"

That's downright scary stuff, my friends...scary.

I'm happy that this session finished up as well as it did in our favor. No riots, a few nutzy protesters on both sides, but nothing too serious...and Ahmadinejad got his butt handed to him! Fantastic.

Read the articles...they're laughable....scary, but laughable...

First morning of sleeping-in in a week-and-a-half...g'night all.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

Streaming Television

So, I think this is a fantastic idea. It seems that major television stations are finally starting to embrace the Internet and all the possibilities it holds.

I am a huge fan of Lost, but my schedule doesn't always allow me to see it at the official time. Thank goodness ABC starting putting those episodes online for streaming and viewing. I also started watching Heroes recently online on CBS'website (correct me if I got the station wrong...).

Up to this point, the only way to "catch up" on these shows was to download them illegally (or grab selected shows from iTunes). Shows that eventually make it to DVD tend to be ridiculously overpriced (*cough* Star Trek: Voyager...), which is unfortunate.

I hope that someday, older programs like TMNT, Darkwing Duck, and Eureka's Castle get put up on a server somewhere for people to stream them so that someday my children can catch a glimpse at some of the greatest television ever made...or something like that.

G'night all.

This week...

Busy week ahead in school...I've got a fairly substantial project due, a few tests to take, and the first PT test of the semester on Friday. Wish me luck...I'm going to need it!

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Where's Alllll?

If you haven't heard of the case of the Jena Six, take a look here before you read the rest of my post.

I've got problems with both sides here...I'll start with the prosecutos. Was this really attempted murder? The victim was beaten, bloodied, and left unconscious...but he attended a school function later in the evening after being manhandled. And the fact that he was left unconscious indicates to me that the six could have easily killed the boy if that had been their true intent, which is in fact required for attempted murder. I'm glad the court agreed with me. Whether this is a case of overzealous prosecuting attorneys or actual racism is not a question I'm capable of answering. Either way, it's wrong.

As for the prosecutors...the Jena Six did in fact assault a fellow human being. That is a against the law! How dare they trivialize the suffering of the victim and demand that the "Jena Six be freed." Al Sharpton is an idiot.

As far as the nooses hanging from the tree and prosecuting the other boys, if there isn't a law on the books, they can't get into trouble. It's a disgusting and horrific act, but no law means no trial, so to even consider using that as an example of a disparity in our system of justice is idiotic because it isn't covered by the justice system. Want a change? Start a petition, get it into the law, and then wait for it to happen again.

I'm off to get new glasses...these contacts are killing my eyes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Ruck it Up

We had a road march this morning. Those are always fun. 4 and a third of a mile or so. Not bad at all.

Our first APFT is next Friday. Gotta do some extra pushups to prep...

More to come later.


Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Nothing Short of Despicable

Hobbton High School in North Carolina prevented students from wearing American flags on their clothing yesterday.

Apparently the actual rule is that no national flags of any kind may be worn at any time.

What in God's name has gotten into their heads?

As if that pathetic attempt at an excuse makes everything it ok. Words cannot describe the anger and sorrow this makes me feel. So I'll just leave it at this...

I hope these bastards and the people that changed Superman's catchphrase rot.


September Day

I should have found the time to do this yesterday.
It's hard to believe it's been 6 years...

I was in AP American History when the first plane hit.

Where were you?

Run Leader

We were short on MS3s (and MS2s apparently) today, so I got to lead the fast-group on our run. That's a whole different world, but I'm certainly glad I got the chance.

4 miles nearly all uphill today...got lost once right before we got back to UD, so it wasn't a big deal, heh.

No one complained too much, so I think I did ok, heh...The MS4s running with us suggested I memorize a few cadences and the marching commands (which I ought to know anyway...woops) so that if I get put into the position again, I can be a little better prepared.

Here's a few of the cadence I've started looking at:
The Baby Seals
Way up north where the air gets cold
We're running out of money and we're running out of gold
So now I earn my living
Killing the baby seals

You can hit `em with a bat you can hit `em with a brick
You can poke `em in th eye with your eye pokin stick
That's how I earn my living
Killing the baby seals

You can slash `em in the head you can slash `em in the throat
Then throw `em in the back of your fishing boat
That's how I earn my living
Killing the baby seals.

Yellow Bird
A yellow bird
with a yellow bill
sat up upon
my windowsill
i lured him in
with a piece of bread
and then i smashed
his yellow head

A little bird
with little feet
sat up upon
my toilet seat
i pushed him in
and flushed him down
and that little bird
went round and round

I grabbed these from here. Pretty cool stuff.

That's all I've got right now...gotta get back to work.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Fast Leadership Reaction Course

I think I got that right...

This past Saturday, our ROTC battalion had the opportunity to get on a big blue bus, drive out to our local Airforce base, and participate in a squad-based obstacle course-of-sorts.

The course consisted of four individual obstacles with an accompanying scenario (ie: A pilot is down in our area. We need to get him across this river with "these" supplies and "this" pole). Squad Leader and Team Leaders changed each time. The true objective is to judge how the squad leaders reacted physically, emotionally, etc. to the challenge and how they delegated movement and security to their two team leaders.

Our squad did exceptionally well, and all of the MS3s scored highly.

I got to be a team leader for one scenario. We didn't finish that particular objective in time, but the squad leader still scored well because of the solid plan he had developed and the effective way he communicated the plan to us (the team leaders).

Overall, a really effective exercise.

After the challenges came to an end, the MS4s performed a "lane" (one of the four individual objectives) as an example for us. They skirted a few corners here or there, but the point was to see how well these experienced cadets worked together; they finished the lane with time to spare, despite one or two time penalties.

After the demonstration, the battalion changed into civis and fell into line under one of the picnic pavillions for a cookout. Hot dogs, hamburgers, chips, cookies...the MS4s and cadre brought everything. The food was excellent, though that could have been because we were all so incredibly starving, heh.

We played volleyball, soccer, and football after the food for about an hour and a half or so and then came back to school.

Overall, it was a great learning experience and a really fun afternoon. Though it'll be entirely different, I'm now really looking forward to STYX in another month or so. Hopefully the rain stays away like it did this weekend.


Run Run as Fast as You Can!

Well PT has made me eat the words from a few posts ago about running.

The rest of this past week we've spent the great majority of our time running. 5.25 miles uphill Friday and 5 round-the-parking-lot-sprints/hill leg drills today. I love it. And we did the long run in ability groups, which was wonderful. We finished the long run in about 45 minutes, which I was very happy with.

We've also put a huge emphasis on upper and lower body workouts the past few days. Lots and lots of pushups and flutter kicks...*shudder*...painful, but necessary.

FLRC was this weekend as well, but I'm going to dedicate a whole second post for that.


Wednesday, September 5, 2007

President Bush

This is an interesting article. It outlines the new Bush biography written by Robert Draper, I believe.

It sounds as if the book paints Bush in a very human light. I like that because he always seemed very human to me...down to Earth and all that.


Inner Outer Monologue

This morning is the only time I've ever been really frustrated with anything army-related, outside of MEPS, heh...

We went on a 5 mile run this morning which would normally make me smile. Unfortunately, we were not set up in ability groups; squads were the choice this morning. I love my squad, but I am faster than most of them (and I don't mean anything written here in a "look how good I am" way...they can all bury me on pushups).

It took us nearly the entire time alloted for PT to finish the run, so by the time we returned home, we got to do one set of pushups and no situps. This was particularly disappointing for me because as I mentioned before, I could really use all the pushup practice I can get.

The idea was to keep a slow and steady pace...unfortunately for those runners in the groups, that meant a walking pace at some points along the route. Last year when there was an obvious difference in the abilities of certain runners in the group, they were allowed to break off into a separate group so that they could keep their own pace. That was not the case this morning.

I think the cadet cadre and the staff cadre are both doing wonderful jobs so far this semester...this was nothing more than a hiccup.

About halfway through the run, I realized that the exercise was more about the team as a whole; a "chain-is-only-as-strong-as-its-weakest-link" sort of thing...So rather than grumble in self-pity, I tried to encourage the rest of the squad to keep the pace up. Better to get these bouts of self-centeredness out now before BCT.
