Wednesday, February 28, 2007


Ok boys and, we're going to learn something about hypocrisy.

hy·poc·ri·sy /hɪˈpɒkrəsi/ hi-pok-ruh-see] –noun, plural -sies.
1. a pretense of having a virtuous character, moral or religious beliefs or principles, etc., that one does not really possess.
2. a pretense of having some desirable or publicly approved attitude.
3. an act or instance of hypocrisy.

Al Gore managed to reach Left Wing Nirvana today through justification of his over-the-top energy usage. Gore, like the rest of the elite-Lefts from which he spawned, believes that he can save the world by shoveling money at any problems that cross his path...and also like most elite-Lefts, he will never practice what he so vehemently preaches.

Just to re-emphasize my point, Google tells us that "Last August alone, Gore burned through 22,619 kWh — guzzling more than twice the electricity in one month than an average American family uses in an entire year. As a result of his energy consumption, Gore’s average monthly electric bill topped $1,359."

He justifies his ridiculous consumptions at his Nashville residence (one of a number of houses he owns...) by paying for "green power."

Apparently, there are companies that allow you to give money so that other people will use alternative energy so that you won't be inconvenienced. "Guilt free..." is what I'm told they say.

Does it measure up? No.

According to Google News, "Gore has been purchasing green power for $432 a month since November. Gore purchases 108 such blocks every month at $4 per block, covering 16,200 kilowatt-hours and helping subsidise renewable energy sources."

So, that's a pretty good amount of energy...much more than the average American uses per year...trouble is that Mr. Gore is still in the red by 6419 kWh...and of course< all the money in the world won't change the fact that he's doing exactly the opposite of what he's telling other people to do. *sigh* and people defend this guy...

My second example comes from my school's student-run newspaper. A letter to the editor in this week's issue was laughable in it's finger-wagging at the American way of life.

The author is a "Scholar" at the school...meaning he is in the upper-echelon of the honor's also means that in all likelihood he received some hefty scholarship.

This young man believes that because there are simply not enough resources on this planet to bring the rest of the world up to America's standard of living, we as a people do not have the right to live at the standard we do. Throughout his article, he makes arguments, but never offers a solution.

This argument is belched out time and time again by people of all shapes and sizes, but the fact that a well-to-do, college scholar is telling the rest of America that it is too well-off is pretty...sad.

First of all, not everyone falls into wealth. A lot of people work extremely hard to get far in life. Who is this author to tell legitimate people that built private companies through their own sweat, blood, and tears that somewhere, there is a child going hungry, so he doesn't have a right to his own hard-earned successes?

We don't have a right to the freedoms our fathers fought for to ensure our futures? We students don't have a right to the education we pay for with our own money?

Sorry son, that's not how we do it here in America...

I would say that rather than working hard to limit our own capabilities, we should strive to remain the world's foremost supplier of humanitarian aid, food, services, and education to foreign nations without the means to better themselves.

This author really needs to stop taking preaching lessons from the likes of Al Gore.

If you're going to get up on a soap box, make sure you can back up your fiery words with action, not just cash or finger-wagging. So Al Gore...let's see you cut that bill by 19/20ths...and author, go spend a year or two in a real third world nation...or better yet, downtown L.A. ...and then tell me that you still want your nation to give up its hard-earned successes.

Lead lab on company formations tomorrow...count down to APFT: one day.
Peace out.

Morning workout

PT went ok this morning...could have been better.

I climbed pretty hard yesterday night...I knew it'd bite me in the ass this morning.
Push ups and situps were a chore. Way subpar...I hope that's not an early indication of how the test of Friday's going to go.
I ran with the "fast" group for the first time ever today. I'm going to make a regular habit of that from now on. Best way to get the run time down another 25 seconds or so...

The MS4s had their APFT today. They ran inside on the track, though I hear we're going to be outside, which will be a glorious change of pace, despite the fact that I despise running outside in the elements...we've been inside for just under 2 solid months now...bleh

I had two classes canceled today so that my professor (same for both...back-to-back classes in the same room...ick...he's good though, so it's not so bad) could attend a presentation/Q&A given by Justice Thomas in Washington D.C. A couple students were attending too. It's got to be a great experience.

So, in light of the two extra hours I have today, I've decided to use the time to take care of some things I need to get done for my pre-qualification application...namely, scheduling an appointment with my adviser to get a letter from the University stating that I am in fact on track to graduate in December, and getting a copy of my transcripts...after that, I only need my police record and HS times.

Alright, that's all I've got time for now. News to come later today.
Peace out.

Tuesday, February 27, 2007

Follow up

It's a day old, but apparently Al Gore's private home runs up a utility bill 20X that of the average home owner. Thank you, Drudge Report.

So, we're gunna invite Iran to the party...Let's hope all goes well.

That's all for now...leaving work soon.
Peace out.

Monday, February 26, 2007

This morning in PT

PT went well this morning. We did a three-station-rotation...lower body, upper body, and track...based on run-ability. I always feel like I get a solid workout when we do this.

No running outside yet...too much ice apparently. Maybe'd be nice to get a chance to do so before the PT test on Friday....we shall see.

I'm turning in my military science midterm tomorrow wasn't bad at all. Took me about an hour to do. Suprisingly interesting stuff, even if I never get the chance to apply it as an officer. The patrolling and OP Order stuff will certainly help when I get to basic.

I've got a lot of homework to do tonight for other classes, so I'm gone.
Peace out.

In Other News...

On Monday, U.S. officers discovered a factory for making roadside bombs, explosively formed projectiles (EFPs), and other weapons out of Iranian-made components.

...Iran denied any link between themselves and the Shiite insurgents.

Take a look here for the whole article.


Here's another good example of how bad news sells...
Greenspan has predicted that there will be a recession...soon. Apparently, the US economy has been expanding since 2001, and "When you get this far away from a recession invariably forces build up for the next recession..." .

The "U.S. budget deficit...for 2006 fell to $247.7 billion, the lowest in four years..." and "The U.S. economy grew at a surprisingly strong 3.5 percent rate in the fourth quarter of 2006, up from a 2 percent rate in the third quarter.

I don't know about you...but I think that's all pretty good news...I'm certainly not trying to contradict Mr. Greenspan because I have little-to-no grasp of how the economy actually works...but once again, maybe we aren't really going to hell in a hand basket.

An Inconvenient Truth?

Global warming is a pretty hot topic right now...pun most definitely intended.

I'm just going to go ahead and ask the question that really needs to be asked...why are so many people determined to convince everyone else that the world is going to hell in a hand basket?

Bad news will always sell.

So this international conference has come out and said that it is 90 percent likely that mankind has played a role in global warming...if someone could tell me how great a role that these people estimate we play, I'd be happy to hear it...because all the data I can find points to the contrary.

The truth of the matter is, mankind has very little to do with the overall CO2 content of the atmosphere. Of the estimated 186 billion tons of CO2 that enter the atmosphere annually, mankind contributes about 6 billion...Active volcanoes and decaying plant matter contribute about 90 billion...and the final 90 billion come from volcanoes and naturally-occuring vents. So even if CO2 has a strong negative effect on global warming, we aren't responsible!

If you're looking for a interesting perspective on global warming, take a look here.... Or better yet, read Michael Crichton's State of Fear. offers an immense collection of data presented in a very thorough and straightforward manner. State of Fear is incredibly-well researched, and turns global warming and its champions on their heads. It's fiction...but it certainly makes you wonder.

Many alarmists are very quick to site hurricane Katrina as evidence of more extreme weather conditions...but how much do they really know about the weather and or even hurricanes for that matter? For instance, I bet most of them don't know that Katrina is only the third most intense storm (based on barametric pressure readings) in United States' history, falling behind "The Labor Day Hurricane" of 1935 and Camille from 1969. Hurricane Andrew which hit land in 1992 comes in fourth...and all three were actually of higher category (5) than Katrina (4) due to higher wind speed, according to

a 2005 USA TODAY articletake a look here.... Don't ever be quick to forget that bad weather happens! The reason Katrina was so devastating was not because of the storm itself; rather the people of Louisiana were unprepared t deal with it...a lack of effective evacuations and poor state and local (not federal) planning.

Did you hear that a conference on global warming was cancelled a few weeks ago due to the blizzard that rocked the Mid-West? I know...I know...supposedly global warming can cause extreme temperatures on both ends of the spectrum...boy, I'd say that's a pretty darn convenient truth if you ask me...

Sunday, February 25, 2007

Iran: US in No Position to Make Threats

The Iranian foreign minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, spoke out Saturday against the United States, saying that we are not in a position to start another war. Apparently, he was responding to VP Cheney's warnings of how "all options" were on the table if Iran continued to ignore the UN's demands that Iran halt its nuclear enrichment program.

I found a couple articles outlining this situtation today...and I feel compelled to address some issues...

First of all, let me just say that I think it's ridiculous that the foreign minister of Iran is telling us that we're in no position to go to war with his think there might be some extra motives here?

Mr. Mottaki is also very big on negotiations...he's said that negotiations are the only way to resolve the conflict. I'm pretty sure that Iran's blatant brushing aside of the UN's repeated demands that they cease and desist all uranium refinment is a pretty good indication that negotiations aren't going to get us anywhere.

The reason that they can brush aside the UN is simple...they don't ever follow through with anything. When the UN demands Iran to halt nuclear activity, no one says anything, but as soon as America steps in and backs up what the UN has already said, we're the bad guys. Why? It's because we follow through with our deadlines and keep our promises, and that scares the rest of the world.

A lot of people don't think that we (or the UN) have any right to interfere with Iran's nuclear progression. If we have the technology, why shouldn't they be allowed to develop it? There is a very simple, logical answer to that one too...

The government in Iran has been saying for years that given the chance, they would use nuclear weapons to wipe Israel off the map...don't believe me?

Take a look here, Iran Press Service (2001). Or for a more recent view... The Boston Globe (2005)

Another important distinction lies in Western beliefs versus radical Islam. The majority of westerner soldiers and civilians would not be willing to strap a nuclear device to our bodies and walk into a Mosque. For better or worse, this is a strategy we see again and again from the radical Muslims we are currently fighting. Why would we ever allow a nuclear device to fall into the hands of government that relies on a belief system that perpetually expresses a great disregard for human life both away and on the home front?

I am by no means saying that all Muslims are more than I would say all Catholics are child molesters. But giving radical Muslims (which is exactly who composes the majority of Iran's government) the opportunity to construct a nuclear weapon (excuse the analogy) would be ignorant...there's really not a more eloquent way to put it. Just plain ignorant.

This cuts a little close to home. I don't expect to be in Iraq when I get out of language school (~2009). I'll be in Iran. Something is eventually going to have to give. Do I want there to be war in Iran (or anywhere for that matter)? No, of course not; but we (as a world...not just as a country) have an obligation to keep nut jobs in check...and sometimes that means a little rolling around in the sand.

Ok...homework and early bed for PT.
Peace out.

APFT and other news

We've got an APFT on Friday. I did much better than I expected to do on the first test this semester (my first test ever)...45 push-ups, 82 sit-ups, and a 13.25 2 mile run. I'm really hoping to pull those pushups to 50 or more...I should have a better run time too, given that last time I really didn't have a true pace in mind.

In less exciting news, a suicide bomber killed 40+ people at a college in Baghdad today. I don't understand the mentality at all. 40 students...40 young people trying to better themselves...40 people that had nothing to do with the war.
Just last month, a car bomb (if I remember correctly) killed 60-odd people at a university in Iraq...Why? Why is that necessary? Soldiers fighting soldiers...even insurgents fighting soldiers...makes sense to me. Blowing up those innocent college students does not.

How could anyone possibly justify that? I guess when you kill yourself in an attack, you don't have to own up to (or feel guilty about) it later.

Fortunately, the initial reports from Iraq are saying that the crackdown is having a positive effect on the number of death squad killings. I'll be interested to see what they have to say on the evening news about any of this...

Peace out.

Soldier Blog

I've been considering starting a soldier blog for some time...and here it finally is.

Ok, you got me...I'm technically not a soldier yet, but I soon will be. I plan to use this blog to post interesting things I learn while training with the ROTC cadets at my school, as well as my views on anything political or military-related that I deem important.

Here is some very basic information about me...
I am 22 years old and a senior at a university in middle-America. I am a "Computer Information Systems" major with minors in "Music Technology" and "Criminal Justice."
Post graduation, I am enlisting in the US Army as a MOS 98-x ("Cryptologic Linguist" or "Signals Intelligence Analyst").

Any other relevant information will reveal itself through my posts, I'm sure.

That's all for now.
Peace out.